High-quality raw materials
We guarantee high-quality raw materials for the production of medicines. Thanks to our good relationships with raw material suppliers and our global network, we can trace all our raw materials back to their source. Our offices in Europe (Ter Apel) and China (Hangzhou) enable us to source globally and act locally. We only work with producers who meet EU GMP standards, or who can provide at least a Written Confirmation statement, and who preferably have a CEP (or at least an ASMF). Through our sister company, Ofidit, we audit suppliers on demand so that the status of production is clear and recorded.
From procurement to the supply of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
The Ofichem Group has access to more than 1,000 high-quality pharmaceutical raw materials that comply with the applicable European directives. Some of these raw materials are produced by our sister organisation, Laboratory Ofichem, under EU GMP-FDA guidelines. Ofichem's raw materials are intended to contribute to animal health (veterinary APIs), whilst Ofipharma's raw materials are intended for application in human medicines.
Ofipharma has a wide range of pre-packaged and analysed raw materials for magistral preparations in pharmacies and hospitals or industrial pharmaceutical preparations. This range is specially repackaged under GMP conditions and re-analysed according to the applicable pharmacopoeia. For these raw materials, we work together with our Belgian partner, MagisPharma. We handle the exclusive distribution of these raw materials to the Dutch market. All our raw materials can also be delivered in different volumes. For our complete range, we would like to refer you to our webshop.

Our total conditioning solution
Ofipharma's total conditioning solution consists of our global sourcing capabilities, manufacturer approval, combined with custom repackaging under GMP, full re-analysis and release by our Quality Assurance (QA) Department.
Ofipharma heeft toegang tot de wereldwijde API markt, dankzij haar sterke netwerk en directe contacten met hoogwaardige producenten.
Ofipharma voldoet aan de Falsified Medication Directive. Hierbij dragen wij bij aan de doelstelling dat vervalste geneesmiddelen niet in de legale distributieketen komen en uiteindelijk dus bij de patiënt belanden. Al onze leveranciers worden geauditeerd voordat wij grondstoffen aankopen en aanbieden aan de apotheek of ziekenhuis.
De grondstoffen die wij leveren worden geanalyseerd, door een goedgekeurd laboratorium, volgens de geldende Farmacopoea voordat zij worden vrijgegeven voor verkoop.
Wij kunnen onze grondstoffen op maat afvullen in ieder gewenst volume, onder GMP condities. Daarnaast hebben wij ook een standaard assortiment in kleinverpakkingen.