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Ofichem will support the IPCEI Med4Cure project as associated partner

Laboratorium Ofichem BV (“Ofichem”), a state-of-the-art small molecule API developer and manufacturer (part of the Ofichem Group), will support the European Commission as associated partner to the Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) Med4Cure, eligible to share up to €1 billion in public funding. The funding is aimed to support research, innovation, and the first industrial deployment of innovative technologies that enable rapid and environmental friendly upscaling in manufacturing of pharmaceutical products. Furthermore, the funding aims to create more resilient pharmaceutical supply chains in Europe by onshoring of manufacturing capabilities and capacities for critical medicines that ensure supply security and reliability for patients in a crisis situation.

Together with the partners in the consortium, most closely with Symeres, Ofichem will be involved in the advanced innovation of more sustainable methods to develop, scale-up, and manufacture a selection of essential small molecule APIs using continuous flow technology. This will lead to a greener and a more secure supply of essential ingredients to strengthen the European pharmaceutical manufacturing infrastructure.

Alessia Cogotti, Managing Director of Laboratorium Ofichem BV said: ”We are proud to be selected to this important consortium as recognition to our excellence in API development and production. Ofichem is dedicated to sustainability and continuously looking to innovate and improve for our customers, patients, and the pharmaceutical society.”

Dr. Weite Oldenziel, CEO of the Ofichem Group added: ”Recent and ongoing medicine shortages have shown us the enormous public health impact of the availability of APIs and drug products. With this initiative, Ofichem will not only develop greener and more sustainable production processes, but will also contribute to more accessible critical medicine in Europe.”

About the Ofichem Group

The Ofichem Group is a science driven, innovative CDMO with a drug substance manufacturing site in Ter Apel and a drug product manufacturing site in Leiden, the Netherlands. The company develops, manufactures, distributes and packages pharmaceutical products from preclinical to commercial scale. Ofichem delivers its services and API product portfolio in a high quality, robust, reliable and compliant manner.

Ofichem is a stable, family-owned business with nearly 50 years of experience as trusted partner and has a long history of regulatory compliance.